About Marilyn

Marilyn Colter (1946-2024) was an award-winning author and educator. She lived and worked in Colorado. She was raised on farms and ranches in Colorado and Arizona and grew up among women who knew lots about seemingly everything:  how to treat sick humans and livestock alike, how to make enough lunch for 10 cowboys at the drop of a hat with last night’s pot roast, sing in the church choir at 6am on Sunday, then come home and cook up an amazing chicken dinner, before she goes out to start up the tractor and bale a  field of alfalfa. Then she’ll feed the new lambs and collect eggs.

Marilyn said, “I have been thrown from many a horse, kicked by cows and even been run over by a mean duck, but I no longer live on a ranch. I appreciate all I learned from those women and those events and the women I write about in these books will be respected despite their flaws because i know about their lives even though they are only characters in a book.”